Famine in Flames
Day 8
Many melodramas play in Famine. The latest might best be called The
Young and The Reckless. UFP is a brave new alliance who has
tweaked the tails of larger and better known foes. Sometimes this
brings unpleasant consequences. A small morality play was staged in
Anconus this morning. It involved UFP, Unforgiven Cartel, and two
relatively unknown traders named moe man and blaze.
The stage was set, as UFP apparently parked their warfleet in an
remote, unoccupied dead end sector in the Anconus galaxy. Security
by Obscurity is a well known tactic, but one which often fails. The
exact sequence is unclear, but it appears moe man stumbled upon
the UFP fleet. Arthur Pendragon was up early, and dispatched the
3/31/99 8:03:45 AM Arthur Pendragon II(UFP) killed moe man in
sector #1456
But UC was also awake. Whether moe man and/or blaze tipped the
location of the UFP fleet, or whether the UC hunters were just
following SOP by sniffing around kill sites, we cannot know at the
moment. However, UC soon arrived on the demobilized fleet.
3/31/99 8:30:57 AM Yojimbo(UC) killed kernal4(UFP) in sector
3/31/99 8:35:35 AM Yojimbo(UC) killed Blis(UFP) in sector #1456
3/31/99 8:44:19 AM FrogGecko(UC) killed Fluffy(UFP) in sector
3/31/99 8:44:33 AM Dread Nought(UC) killed RedBaron(UFP) in
sector #1456
3/31/99 8:45:04 AM Dread Nought(UC) killed Kwik in sector(UFP)
Since Arthur was online, he was able to escape the killing field, but the
rest of the fleet was wiped out.
The true twist came later, when both blaze and moe man sent
messages to UC indicating that their 'help' in killing the UFP fighters
should be rewarded with membership in UC. The nature of the help is
unclear, but the response from UC to this hubris was predictable.
Suffice it to say, blaze and moe are still on the outside looking in, and
maybe down the gunbarrels of UC should they ever meet.
Famine was unusually quiet all day. A death or two in the minefields,
but no activity on the main war fronts. UC was restless, and perhaps
frustrated that Arthur had escaped. They idly sought out a UFP planet
and attacked it with a small fleet.
Two UFP members were online, and tried to rush shields to the
planet. This is a risky operation at best, and even the most skilled
fighters die as often as they succeed when trying it. UFP managed to
their credit to place some shields, but were killed by the UC fleet.
3/31/99 11:12:20 PM Demo killed Amazonia in sector #1463
3/31/99 11:16:41 PM Demo killed kernal4 in sector #1463
UC breached the planet defenses, and caught some of the UFP force,
but UC had brought a small force, and had to replenish their supplies.
3/31/99 11:18:31 PM anton killed Arthur Pendragon II while invading
a planet in sector #1463
3/31/99 11:18:31 PM anton killed Zarr Ripton while invading a planet
in sector #1463
UFP traders in newbie status tried to hold the planet by stocking
shields, but UC punched through at the end, and the remaining trader
3/31/99 11:26:52 PM anton killed BattleStar while invading a planet
in sector #1463
It was a small planet, but the steadfast defense of the UFP fighters,
and the small size of the UC force, combined to make it a lengthy
process. UC is know for their ability to reduce planets with lightning
speed, and credit must be given to the UFP forces for delaying them.
But in the end, it was only a delay.
This was not a good day for the plucky UFP forces. They have,
however, shown great resolve, and we are sure they will be heard
from again.
In the evening, sensors began to light up as a large contingent of
Willow fighters came online. It appeared that they would resume the
offensive on the Marines and Anla'shok, but they did not move. With
time, it became apparent that there was something else going on. SM
and Anla had asked for a temporary truce to allow for some
As the discussions dragged on, the Willow fleet stood poised. Late in
the evening came word that SM and Willow had reached a
settlement. Word was sent out through subspace. The Marines had
come to the realization that they could not continue the war with
Willow with any surety of long term victory, especially with the
advent of UC. It had been apparent for some time that Willow was
more than holding their own against the combined SM/Anla forces,
and that it was probable that Willow would eventually win. UCs entry
into the conflict only promised to hasten the end.
SM conceded, and offered reparations to Willow for the damages
done. Willow has always preferred peace, and in the spirit of the one
true Willow, the trader who never carried a weapon, they accepted
the Marines peace offering, and agreed to a cessation of hostilities.
This leaves Anla'shok alone in facing Willow now. There also appears
to be a truce in place between them to allow discussion, but if no
agreement is reached, Willow can be expected to resume the
offensive against Anla.
This also leaves the Marines and Unforgiven Cartel still at war. The
Marines are bloodied but unbroken, and UC, though slightly smaller, is
fresh. We all know the skills and reputations of both combatants.
Though some small measure of peace has come to a corner of
Famine, the flames of war still burn.
Prologue | Area 51 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9
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