Famine in Flames
Day 5

Famine, the universe seems to grow smaller each day. There is no safety. You have
no friends. You can only rely on your skills and your alliance mates. But, even that
cannot be taken for granted. Day 5 is the most twisted day of politics yet in Famine.
It has strained our news sources beyond measure to try to collect the fragments of
fact and rumor to smuggle out. We believe we have the basic facts. No one can
know all the convolutions that have occurred. Perhaps with time, things will become
clearer. But in famine, clarity, like safety, is in short supply.

The morning was quiet. The denizens of Famine were beginning to hope that a day
might pass without bloodshed. But it was not to be. This day would be like no other.

Shortly after Noon, Manton Standard Time, the first death occurred.

3/28/99 1:46:36 PM Armageddon(SM) killed Silence(exSM) in sector #1186

But why? Silence was a member of the Space Marines, or so all thought. Then, he
was not, and he was dead. Was he a spy? Was it over a woman? A card game? All
the records show is that a marine died at the hands of one of their own.

Another lull, but then, again.

3/28/99 7:26:30 PM Qynn of Creonti(SM) was killed by forces owned by
Ozymandous(SM) in Sector #1164

How is this possible? Moving between alliances has its drawbacks it appears.

SM had fired two deadly shots today, and were down two traders as a result.

After the attack on the planet of the Willow Recruits, feelings were running high. The
recruits were eager to avenge the losses their mentors had suffered on their behalf.

3/28/99 8:23:41 PM _ig88_(Willow) was killed by Degwrath's(SM) planetary
defenses in sector #1282

A valiant effort. Brave, loyal, dead. Recruits are here to learn. Some learn the hard

Meanwhile the Marine fleet was on the move, this time into the Sixpence galaxy. The
mighty siege-craft took up position over a Willow planet. Again, Willow stepped into
the breach. There was no time to mourn the fallen of Day 4. The war shows no
mercy to those who hesitate.

3/28/99 8:57:28 PM Montana_Mike killed Trigek in sector #769

It also shows no mercy to those who fail. The attempt to rescue the planet was
turned back. The planet fell, and Willow lost another fighter. The past two days have
not been kind to them. Will they have the stomach to go on? Or will the Marine
juggernaut begin to wear them down.

Then, the fortunes in Famine twisted again. The IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) markers
on long range scanners began to shift. The Unforgiven and the Sneezy Syndicate
began to dwindle, then a new force appeared. The Unforgiven Cartel. Members of
the two most feared alliances from the Huge universe were joining into one massive
power. Later, a message pod was found. It contained this explanation:


This evening in the Famine universe, the alliances formerly known as The Unforgiven
and The Sneezy Syndicate merged into one alliance entitled: Unforgiven Cartel.

While everyone from the two defunct alliances have not yet completed the merger,
the two former alliances are now dead for all intents and purposes. Any and all
previously existing treaties made by TU and TSS are now null and void.

UC will now negotiate new treaties with alliances as it sees fit.


The Universe stood still. A new super power was on the move. What would they do?
During Day 4, The Unforgiven had decimated one of Willow's allies, and Sneezy had a
NAP with Willow. TU had cancelled all agreements days ago. TU and Sneezy had a
Mutual Defense Pact. For many weeks, Sneezy had been grumbling about Marine
incursions into Doriath, the Sneezy stronghold. Sneezy always includes provisions for
the safety of their home in all Non Aggression Pacts they sign. And, as anyone who
can glean subspace for messages knows, there is no love lost between some
members of The Unforgiven and the Marines. And finally, does a new alliance have to
honor the pacts it's forbears made? Lawyers would have a field day, if lawyers
amounted to a hill of beans in Famine. But the only law in Famine is made by those
who live there. Everyone is guided by their own inner truth.

The only thing the denizens of Famine could do was wait. Their world had shifted
once again. In what direction, no one knew.

Meanwhile, the Willow battle fleet was pouring into Sixpence. Determined not to let
the Marines escape. They took up positions to re-take the fallen planet.

The Marine scouts lit up. UC was moving into the Marine home galaxy of Livstar. The
galaxy of Livstar is one of the most heavily defended ever seen in all the universes of
Space Merchant. The automated combat drones and massive minefields claimed
their first victim:

3/28/99 9:58:32 PM CNV-301(UC) was killed by forces owned by
Ozymandous(SM) in Sector 1176

The Marines were now facing enemies on two fronts. Planets were under attack in
Livstar and Sixpence. The weary Willow fighters were not quitting, and the new and
unknown quantity of UC had made its first move. The Marines tried to rally to
counter this new threat. Scouts and squadrons shifted.

A Marine squadron entered Livstar to try to run shields to the beleaguered planet.
Ship to Ship fighting, much like the recent Willow planet defenses flared. But this
time, the Marines were the defenders.

3/28/99 10:29:12 PM Widowmaker(UC) killed Regulator(SM) in sector #1164

The planet fell in spite of valiant Marine defense. There were Marines on the planet,
but newbie status kept them safe. They awoke hovering over their devastated

The UC fleet steamed into Creonti. They took a planet unopposed. But their scouts
caught a lone Marine.

3/28/99 11:10:46 PM Legolas(UC) killed rivers(SM) in sector #187

Meanwhile, the Willow fleet in Sixpence was retaking their planet. Maneuvering was
hectic on all sides. Substantial Marine forces were in the area. The Willow fleet was
evidently deployed expecting a Marine counter. They were not disappointed. No one
can say that the Marines have no heart. Just as Willow showed they can keep
fighting when things go bad, the Marines prove they have the strength and
determination to strike back, even when things look blackest.

The recent Willow planet defenses have shown that they can go either way. If
fortune smiles, you can save the planet, and inflict some losses. If the dice fall
wrong, you can lose it all. The dice were not rolling for the Marines today.

3/28/99 11:42:27 PM garut(Willow) killed Montana_Mike(SM) in sector #768
3/28/99 11:52:45 PM Hillsfar II(Willow) killed Entil'zha(SM) in sector #768

3/28/99 11:53:36 PM Gnurd(Willow) killed CyrixNG(SM) in sector #770

3/28/99 11:56:27 PM Reese(Willow) killed U.S.S. Rodger(SM) Young in sector

Willow re-took the planet, and the Marines suffered a serious loss, though not on a
par with Willow's debacle on Day 4.

But, look carefully at these reports. What is CyrixNG doing in Marine colors? When
last we looked he was a loyal member of Karr's Kavaliers, an alliance who has
suffered greatly at the hands of the Marines. As we said earlier. Loyalty and trust can
be in short supply in Famine. Perhaps KK can rally now that the traitor is gone, but
what priceless intelligence did he give? What knowledge did he take? KK faces the
sad task of assessing the damage, and CyrixNG enters the long list of known
turncoats in Famine. This list, while long, is nothing like the list of suspects. Famine
knows no bounds when it comes to Machiavellian intrigue.

With the Marines reeling, the Willow and UC warfleets rolled on. Each could only stick
with their plans. To change them now would be folly.

Willow, determined to regain lost ground, turned to Thevian and retook 555, the site
of so many fierce battles, perhaps the most contested planet ever in SM.

UC continued it's assault, moving into WQ Human space this time, and taking
another Marine planet.

The Marines may have been too battered to continue, no one knows, because other
events, more twists, more amazing developments occurred. Famine, the universe
that never sleeps.

The weary Willow fighters retired, satisfied that in some measure they had avenged
the day before, and proven they can stay the course.

UC got astounding news. While in WQ, word came that a small alliance, the Black
Moon Syndicate attacked a UC planet. Why? What possible insanity drove them. The
UC war machine was on active patrol, and had tasted blood.

They say that to a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. UC may wield
the biggest hammer in Famine, and they brought it to the planet.

3/28/99 11:58:04 PM I 8 Dover(UC) killed Dai Shan(BM) while invading a planet in
sector #385

Black Moon is a very small nail. They raised their heads at the wrong time. History
may tell why, but it surely tells what happened.

A day of fighting has ended. Another awaits, and the new realities of Famine bring
choices for all the parties.

Half of Anla'shok is now in the Marines for operations. Does UC consider Anla an
enemy? Will Anla respond to the attack on their MDP partners by moving against
UC? Or will Anla consider a separate peace. Where do the relations stand between
Willow and UC? Reliable sources indicate that UC is indeed holding no NAPs.

The new day in Famine will bring new developments, but one that does not seem
near is peace. Famine still burns, and its fate is unknown.

Prologue | Area 51 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4
Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9
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