From: ISN (
Date: Saturday, October 16, 1999 12:15 PM

OCTOBER 16, 2999
Satisfaction NOT Guaranteed
All news are the opinions of the ISN Editor(s)


Out of the blue, a trader e-mailed the ISN Headquarters on Information Prime, asking to join the crew. This trader passed rigorous testing and a thourough psychoanalysis. We are proud to introduce, ISN Editor #5! With this addition, we can seperate our talents so we can bring you more of the news you want. We hope we can continue being your #1 news source.

The Royal Guard vs. The Unforgiven

TBB: The war continues, battle after battle fight after fight. The Unforgiven continue their 'Death From Above' like tactics with more then their fair share of highly experienced traders and fighters. The Royal Guard seem to crumbling under the pressure, not a day goes by without someone threatening to leave, no decisions are cleared with a reasonable amount of time, but a TRG member has been reported to have said "We feel we are dishing out our fair share."
Image of the TU Battle Fleet

This is not the only war TU has under way, but they seem to coping well with only losing two traders/warriors to date. The war with Willowstrance continues until they abide by the clearly posted rules of a cease-fire where as TRG sees no surrender in sight. It is other reported that other 'smaller' alliances are getting involved in the combat, but can anyone stop the war machine that is The Unforgiven?

In the mean time it is being reported that The Sneezy Syndicate was going to get involved in the conflict due to some trespassing in Sneezy Space. TRG claims "They are just puppets for TU's love and are trying to find a reasonable excuse to go to war!" Most know that SS is an alliance to be feared, with 3rd place seemingly safe and only 15 traders they seem to have more then their share of in-game news.

Most are now curious when TU will begin their main strike anyone in the 'veteran game, The Big Bang, is just that… a vet, and knows the true power of the space pirates known as TU. When and where will TRG feel the hurt? Only time will tell, but for now it is obvious they aware of TU's overwhelming strength with traders and fighters alike cower under the watchful 'eyes' of the Beacons of Ultimate Protection…

TRG seems to have 'inherited' a new planet. The area surrounding their new planet is plagued by mines and scout drones, making us here at ISN curious as to just what will unravel in the near future. The planet, which was formerly owned by Astro Creep of The Prime Edge, did not seem to have been taken violently, and no news had been reported as to what happened there.

TU, alliance leader Dudeman has reported seeing a 2 on 1 vs. himself and stuck around while Lence and Pharaoh ran away and ever since then he has been searching for another chance… but seems anytime he gets a sniff of blood Pharaoh is off 'eating'.

SS, what will come of them and how will/or will they come into play? One thing is for certain… Hair Bear has made a full recovery from SSMI on Sneezy Prime.

~ISN Editor #5

Free Trade Zone?

Recently the discussion has arisen over the issue of the Free Trade Zone? The idea was brought forth by Rogue of TU and a meeting was scheduled between alliance leaders to discuss the possibility. The idea seems very similar to that of the Famine Free Trade Zone with was imposed by Willowstrance and Anla'Shock.

Dudeman: "It's like a place for all our enemies to trade freely." Speef seems to like the idea and perhaps even has an area in mind. Will the idea sink or swim in the ocean of the webboard? We shall see if Rogue can convince a few more people. Also, the meeting appeared to go well and most traders seemed to agree with the idea.

What do you think? Answer the ISN Poll:

How would you use the Free-Trade-Zone, if enacted?


ISN Editors #4 and #5


THIS JUST IN: Someone slipped a data crystal into the ISN Headquarters. The crystal contained the following reports from Kanas, leader of the Sneezy Syndacate on maneuvers:

Ascension raid. Target: planet 499.

Joint effort by a combined assault team of TU and Sneezy warships. During the assault, Princess Galadriel and ManiacMax came into sector and were consequently destroyed by Gilgamesh and DudeMan respectively. The planet assault continued. Kane and AcidFox were destroyed by Elvis Fett after the planet defenses were breached. Stefan Zagny was killed by DudeMan after planet defenses were breached. End of assault.

Operatives involved: Gilgamesh, Eo8, DudeMan, Elvis Fett.



Ascension raid. Target: planet 499.

Planet 498 was canibalized as a restock point. No one on planet, canceled turret construction and received 500k. Another joint assault by TU and Sneezy warships. DudeMan claimed the planet and got the 500k. During the preparation of this assault. Paramatrix of TU was killed b Metzen of TRG. Plans were made to retaliate against TRG.

Operatives involved: Gilgamesh, Eo8, Montana Mike, Dude Man.


TRG raid. Target: planet 1189.

Planet destroyed promptly. Uno in same sector. Federal space as well. No one on planet.

Operatives involved: Gilgamesh, Eo8, GirDraxon, Montana Mike, DudeMan, Elvis Fett.


TRG raid. Target: planet 1003.

Planet destroyed promptly. Barclay fled the planet while still under newbie protection.

Operatives involved: Gilgamesh, GirDraxon, Eo8, Dude Man.


TRG raid. Target: planet 353.

Planet destroyed promptly. No one on planet.

Operatives involved: Gilgamesh, Eo8.


TRG raid. Target: planet 566.

Planet was under assault when Rook43 was spotted in adjacent sector, 565. Gilgamesh went to check out the report. No one in sector 565. Gilgamesh went to restock in sector 511 where there was an uno hardware store. Rook43 was detected in sector 564. Gilgamesh went to check it out again, destroyed 50 mines in 1 round in said sector. Initiated attack on Rook43. Commed Eo8 to come help out. 2nd, 3rd, 4th round, Rook43 destroyed. In ITAC, 750k cash looted. Gilgamesh and Eo8 returned to base due to shortage of fuel.


End of Reports.


ISN Editor #4