From: ISN#5 (
Date: Thursday, March 02, 2000 05:42 PM
MAR 2, 3000
Reminder to all major alliances,
we currently have a small amount of people trying to help make our news better,
but without YOUR participation the news may appeared to be “favored” to the
certain people and alliances who are in contact with us. I think that is easy to
understand, if you tell us your side we report it that way: if not it seems that
we are telling one sided stories that may not be completely factual. If you feel
like sending anything, Send it here!
The Battle of 4408
A week and a half ago, a huge massacre occured
between HoA and the The Forsaken, and friends Admiral Fleet. The fight dealt a
total of 12 pods which leaves us curious was the price of battle worth it? The
Forsaken's forces won the big part of this, getting 8 kills on HoA. Horsemens
defended at best the planet, but took a lot of damage. We can also see in news,
a kill from Kaliban on Rasputin in sector 0.... Does it mean a new sector 0 saga
or just a wierd error?
Federal Beacon Areas = Mine Free Zones?
Some recent news shows Musealot, leader of Anla’Shok,
pushing for a simple rule of “No mines around Federal Beacons”, or if mines have
their expiry 1/5th to 1/8th that of mines away from Fed. Space. Musealot is also
one of the founders of the “Free Trade Zone” from Famine, which was enforced by
A’S and Willowstrance. With the recent upgrades to the mines (from the XM-2997
to XZM-3k) they have caused a major stir, and more problems to the peaceful
traders who use Fed. Space as a home. We will soon see if Musealot is able to
put a dent in the “Against the spirit of the game” activities, by slowing this
down or bringing it to a halt. If this venture fails perhaps we will see A’S, or
other alliances, rise to the occasion of enforcing “No mines around Fed. Space”.
The Battle of 1278
1278 was a Forsaken stronghold in the human galaxy,
until few nights ago. A joint fleet between Anla’Shok and the Horsemen of the
Apocalypse came in full force to terrorize the planet and the rest of the Human
galaxy. The planet has sustained mammoth amounts of damage, it is reported that
the almost 12 hours it has been under siege have destroyed 9 levels of planetary
defense, and all turrets on the planet have been destroyed. The news started
with the death of Catronia (HoA) to the planet, finished with Deathfire (The
Rangers [A’Ss training alliance]) being killed by paulee (TF) while TF was
taking the planet back, others who took pods were Killashandra Rae (TF),
SpamBlade (TF), Imhotep (TF), Turbo Pig (TF) and Jarlax (TF). 1278 is now a
planet which will most likely be razed repeatedly over the next week to destroy
defenses, and HoA will probably try to make sure that they annihilate the
chances of TF using this as a base in the near future.
New Trial Space Merchant Lottery
Yes, you read it right, in
Millennium Game ISN will be trying to setup an official lottery. Ticket cost is
1,000,000, for 1 chance to win, only 1 ticket per person please. The total of
tickets sold will be given 100% to the winner. They will be held weekly on
Sunday’s. The way to enter is simple, setup an account just for the lottery, and
send the account number and password to The way we will decide
the winner is dependant on amount of participants, I have a “random dice
creator” I will enter the amount of accounts and payments I received and make a
die that has an equal number of sides. The winner will be chosen by the number
of the account, the lowest numbered account will be side “1” on the die and the
highest numbered account obviously the last number in the sequence. Example: If
I sell 79 tickets I will make a die with 79 sides, then spin the die once.
Pretend the result is 31 I will then look at all the accounts (chart them out
from lowest to highest) count to #31 and then I will post the traders name on
the Sunday ISN report and put the 79 million into the same account they sent me.
The goal of ISN is to be able to give over 100 Million credits away weekly but
that is not possible without YOUR PARTICIPATION, after all what is 1,000,000
Thanks a lot for reading InterStellar News and please dont
forget to send us some news if you have some!!! Send it here!