Past Bugs, Loopholes, and Cheats

Since the game first started, it has seen a lot of bugs, loopholes, and cheats which have been fixed. The game has come a long way and this was written to show newer players how far the game has come.

Cargo Dumping - A player could buy cargo, then jettison it costing no turns, then buy again. It was then changed to cost 1 turn to jettison cargo.

Multiple Accounts - The problem still exists but was more severe in the older games because there were a lot of high ranking multiple accounts in the game. Huge(8) was the worst one for this a few alliances up and disappeared from "missing" traders.

Make your own XP - Before being changed the link to the selling page or buying page could be changed to earn xp even though you didn't make the right offered price.

Federal Protection - If a fellow alliance member attacked a planet in Federal Space and you were federally protected the game did not acknowledge that fact into the planetary combat.

Jumping onto a Planet - A trader with a jump drive could jump onto a planet surface bypassing the planet defenses.

Ports in Federal Space - In the start each race had ports in Federal Space. A lesson was learned in Huge(8) when an alliance called The Polit Bureau was all in cloaked Planetary Super Freighters trading in Federal Space and wound up ranked #1 for most experience. Realizing the severe effects this had on a game ports were removed from Federal Space for the upcoming game Famine.

Unlimited Turns - A few players had found a link that lead them to the page that added the 2 free bonus turns for clicking on an add. Bonus turns were removed and were fixed.

Hacked Ships - The same few players had found a way into hacking their ships statistics. One example was a Battle Cruiser with 1,000 shields and 10 hard points.

The Negative Cargo Bug - This was a severe bug in the trade system. A player could end up having more cargo holds than they were suppose to. It had to do with the fact the game did not acknowledge the fact you had already bought full cargo holds allowing you to buy again. Once you had the negative holds that stayed with the player even if ships were traded in. One example was a Planetary Super Freighter with 2,400 holds. This bug was also combined with Hacked Ships, Unlimited Turns, and Cargo Dumping. It was fixed after about a month.

Error Storms - They first started to appear more often and lasting longer around the middle of Race Wars. The frequency and length of the storm grew up through 3/4 of the way into Famine. These storms would cause a great number bugs and errors on their own. The game still sees Error Storms every now and then. The Error Storms used to occur daily and last for hours and hours on end with 20-30 minutes of clean playing time in between.

Suiciding Pods - Players who used to constantly suicide escape pods for the 53,000 insurance money. They would suicide them against ports, planets, and traders.

Kicking Raiders - During Arms Race this bug appeared every so often where planet attackers landed on a planet and were allowed to boot all the players off.

Ship Swapping - Being able to buy a faster ship then log off returning to a Planetary Super Freighter once you log in.

1 Drone Trick - 1 drone used to stop all damage from a single weapon from a planet during planet attacks. It also prevented all damage from ship to ship weapons from an entire fleet.

Skip Drive - A player could click on the follow plotted course repeatedly and end up at their destination within seconds skipping over all forces. It was later fixed so you stop following a plotted course once you hit a sector with forces in it.

Too Many Defenders - Not being able to attack traders on a planet with more than 10 traders on it.

Planets with 10+ Turrets - Self explanatory. This was when 10 turrets was supposed to be the maximum number allowed.

Weapon Reselling - this bug was discovered during Greased Lightning and Phase 5. A person could sell a weapon, and go back and resell it as many times as they wanted.

- compiled by Elvis Fett

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